Season's Greetings! I purchased a delicious gluten-free apple pie from you at the Red Mitten Bazaar this month. I'm wondering if I can get another one any time soon, and where? If not, perhaps you would be so kind as to share your recipe for the crust? best, Ruth Armitage
Marquam Meadows Fruit Company is a family owned and operated orchard and farm. We are a family-friendly farm that offers U-Pick and We-Pick apples. Ladders are unnecessary, because the trees are semi-dwarf.
Season's Greetings! I purchased a delicious gluten-free apple pie from you at the Red Mitten Bazaar this month. I'm wondering if I can get another one any time soon, and where? If not, perhaps you would be so kind as to share your recipe for the crust?
Ruth Armitage